Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey, 98.6 it's good to have you back again!

Ok, not really 98.6 (normal "rectal temp" is 99.6) but close enough. I hate to speak too soon, but I think the worst of this is over. Her temp did go up to 100.8 a few minutes ago, but that seems like NOTHING now and certainly nothing tylenol won't take care of.
Last night got a little scary....at about 9:00pm I woke her up to give her more tylenol and to take her temperature, and it was 104.9. Wow. I gave her the tylenol and put her in a lukewarm bath. She just laid there moaning and then she started shaking. Thats kinda when I freaked out. I called Shawn to rush home with her antibiotics and we gave her a popsicle, and it eventually went down to 103.6 and she fell asleep. Through the course of the night the antibiotics worked their magic and when she woke up this morning it was 99.4! Whew. Thanks for the prayers....now pray we don't get thrush again! She's on a pretty heavy dose of antibiotics so we'll see how that goes!


Anonymous said...

Glad she is feeling better! Yuck!

Dude by the way could Rachel be any more beautiful? She looks AMAZING!