Sunday, May 31, 2009


Well my friends, I think the time has come for me to set up a separate website to show any pictures that I am taking that are not Lorelai- related. For those of you who don't know, I am seriously and prayerfully considering starting my own (not full-time) photography business sometime next year. I have found someone who is (crazy enough) sweet enough to mentor me and help sharpen my skills and I'm going to be practicing alot this summer. One Problem! I want this new website to have the name of my possible-future-photography-business, and I have yet to think of a name! I have a pretty good one that I'm really, really liking, but it was suggested to me to try and incorporate "Little" into the title since it is a fun last name. And, I've got NOTHING. Anyone have any suggestions? You won't win anything....except my eternal gratitude :) Let me know some ideas, you creative people, you! (p.s. your ideas do not necessarily have to have "little" in them)

Go team!


Jack said...


Granna said...

Little Life Photography,
Lovely Little Photography
Little House Photography.
That's all I've got. I'm sure someone will have something good.

Jodi said...

"Little Moments"
"Its the Little Things"
"Life's Little Moments"

I will continuue to use my brain power for more ideas!

abby said...

Little Lens Photography?

I'm not very good at this! It's more than just a Little exiting to be starting your own Little Business! ;)

Angie said...

"Little Moments, Big Memories"
"Little Memories"
"Captured Memories"

why am i stuck on memories??

Jodi Rohr said...

Little Things Photography - as in, the little things in life are the best...