Wednesday, December 3, 2008

She's Officially Mobile!

Okay, so I know I haven't told practically anyone that Lorelai can walk now because it happened so gradually, but now you can see it for yourselves! She took her first "step" (literally, just one step...) on her actual birthday (11/13), took her first official "few steps" the evening of her birthday party (11/15) and ever since then she has added one step a day until one day we looked up, and there she was, toddling around as if it was no big deal! She loves to grasp one small object for each hand and walk around with them, and she will snuggle with literally ANYTHING these days. If she finds a pillow on the floor, a doll, or even the dogs bed (gross, i know) she will lay her head down and say "ohhh" in a loving way. Every day she develops more of a personality and it is amazing to witness! Watch, and be amazed.


Maryellen said...

Awesome! And she can walk on walls advanced for her age! (You know I'm just kidding of course.)