Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mid-way to Mid-life Crisis? You Decide...

Okay, so I keep completely forgetting that my birthday is Tuesday. I'm turning 25, which sounds so very, very old to me. I do not feel old, but the number would suggest that I am otherwise. I know most of my friends that read my blog are older than me, but try to relate. Surely you remember having these thoughts! What worries me even more than having to reply "i'm 25" when asked my age is the fact that ever since I had Lorelai, my life is FLYING by before my very eyes! I swear I feel like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be 75! I'm not so much worried about getting old (although, dont get me wrong, I'm plenty worried about that....) as I am about blinking...and the next thing I see is my darling baby girl as a moody teenager! Wasn't I just a moody teenager? I still feel like I graduated from highschool yesterday. and don't try to tell me "you're only as old as you feel/act." Not True. You are only as old as the year you were born subtracted from the current year. And that would be 25.


Granna said...

So I just realized that I was the same age when I had you that you were when you had Lorelai. If you're halfway to a midlife crisis I guess I'm there!:) I can only tell you that the older she gets the faster time will pass so try to relax and enjoy every moment. One of my favorite little poems is "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep." By the way your a wonderful mom and I'm so proud of you. Happy Birthday! I love you!

Granna said...

So I just realized that I was the same age when I had you that you were when you had Lorelai. If you're halfway to a midlife crisis I guess I'm there!:) I can only tell you that the older she gets the faster time will pass so try to relax and enjoy every moment. One of my favorite little poems is "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep." By the way your a wonderful mom and I'm so proud of you. Happy Birthday! I love you!

Eat Your Vegetables said...

You should change your focus. Sooooo...I just turned 30, less than a week ago, but it didn't even phase me because I am so excited about Ella's FIRST birthday (and every month milestone before). When I was younger, 30 was ancient to me and I imagined crying my eyes out when I turned 30 (if I lived that long which, thankfully, I have). Now that Ella is here I'm overtaken by her big day and haven't wasted a thought on mine.. I hope this helps you.