Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day by Day...

So, after not really taking any pictures of Charlotte her first 5 weeks because my camera battery was dead, I've decided to try my darned-est to take atleast one picture a day of just regular family happenings. I'm going to post them here to keep myself accountable, but warning- it will be sporadic! (the first couple are random....I didn't really start until 2-28-11) And- these will all be taken with my point-and-shoot NO editing (which is really, really hard for me to be okay with. But- I will have to be!)
Here's my first round:
Feb. 3, 2011: Charlotte's IV burn...this is what it looked like after soaking it in diluted bleach (per Doctor's orders. For real.)
Feb. 28, 2011: Cowgirl Charlotte and her Buckin' Bronco Berkdog
March 1, 2011- Big sister helping!
March 2, 2011:
While mommy was busy, Lorelai packed her own lunch for Mother's Day Out! Gerber Pasta Pick-ups (ew, but she looooves them), applesauce, spoon, raisins, and- why not- a cereal bar!
Crashed on the couch after a long day (9am-2pm) at school! (p.s. this NEVER happens!)
Trying to force-feed a paci to sister...
March 5, 2011: Auntie L's shower for Weston!
This is Charlotte's "ooooooooooooh I can't wait for my cousin Weston!" face:
March 6, 2011: "Look Mommy! I have a baby wrap like you!"
March 7, 2011: What happens when Daddy puts a cloth diaper on Charlotte for the first's on backwards, for those of you who can't figure out what's wrong with this picture...
March 9, 2011: "I'm going to eat her face!" (in a sweet, loving way...)
I looked over, and Lorelai was setting up for her own personal photo session. TOO cute! My little photographer-in-training. Although I made her get off the chair.


strat said...

What a lovely family. You have great kids!
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Unknown said...

Nice post