Sunday, July 12, 2009

This is What Happens....

....when you walk outside in the afternoon to water the plants, and your baby girl decides it's too hot:

This is what happens when your husband puts BLUE icing on your kids fingers, tells you to "let her be a kid!" and then walks out the door to go somewhere:

This is what happens when your husband decides to grow his hair out WAY too long, then combs it across his forehead and does his best "Zach Efron" face:

and this is what happens when the cutest girl in the world celebrates the fourth of July:


Granna said...

Cute pics! Especially the fourth of July one.

JohnsonFamily said...

PRECIOUS!!!!! Too Lovely for words. And am I seeing things right...there wasn't any water in the pool? That's just hilarious! What a fun age. I am completely enjoying Emmy's age, but it is fun to see what crazy things that I have to look forward to.

And here is a great concept of letting a kid be a kid.....

Deliberately Chic Photography said...

Meg- there was actually about 3 inches of water because Shawn had left the sprinkler on overnight- which is why she was practically glued to the bottom of the pool :)

HPowers said...

She has to be one of the CUTEST little girls EVER!!! I can't get enough of that little face!!